Bio and History
DAVIS COMPANY, LLC, Private Sector
Possess skills sufficient to develop, coordinate and execute complex and integrated tasks, combined with sound management and leadership skills and ability to work independently, if so necessary, However, our objective is to work as a team with others for the same cause.
Davis Company, LLC., private sector, have met all of our past and current missions, we are addressing and preparing for future missions that affect Our nation against non-military threats, domestic terrorism and homegrown causes, i.e., 'The 'Incel Threat' as it develops and matures into a new style of non-kinetic warfare against Our Nations' Critical Infrastructure. As a partner in the private sector, we will accomplish everything within our resources and assets available to Protect the American Democracy, and our Nation's critical infrastructures'.
By building A Resilient Home Security partnership with the department of Homeland Security (DHS) and The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). And as an ISAC partner, Information Sharing and Analytical Center, our goal and mission is to Increase Trust in a zero-trust environment and harmonize all engagements with the different levels of SLTT and other private-sectors.
Davis Company, LLC, Private-Sector. Site Commander. Crisis management, critical awareness & preventive measures. construction & mechanical applications, equipment operator, watershed wise, dams & retention wall management, fire & HazMat awareness, (ANSI) and (OSHA) studies; Active student with (FEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency, (TEEX) TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING, (NERRTC) National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center, (CDP) Center for Domestic Preparedness & (OBP) Office of Bomb Prevention, and United States Department Homeland Security (DHS) awareness campaign partner, (CISA) Cyber Security & Infrastructure Security Agency, (NCSA) National Cyber Security Alliance. 2006-present.
Mustang Equipment, a John Deere Company. Assembly mechanic, sales and teamwork; quality control and customer management relations; military contact; equipment operator, loader and demonstrator. 1993-2006
Investigative and Mediation and Paralegal Services. Administrative & Financial matters. 1986-present
Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center. Certified mediator, Certified family law mediator and (ADR) instructor. 1984-1992
Sawtelle, Goode, Davidson & Troilo Inc. Paralegal collection of evidence, and surveillance. 1987-1990
Tinsman & Houser Inc. Paralegal in civil practice and product liability. 1985-1987
Bexar County Child Support Office. Paralegal internship in the negotiations of arrears. Fall 1985
Possess skills sufficient to develop, coordinate and execute complex and integrated tasks, combined with sound management and leadership skills and ability to work independently, if so necessary, However, our objective is to work as a team with others for the same cause.
Davis Company, LLC., private sector, have met all of our past and current missions, we are addressing and preparing for future missions that affect Our nation against non-military threats, domestic terrorism and homegrown causes, i.e., 'The 'Incel Threat' as it develops and matures into a new style of non-kinetic warfare against Our Nations' Critical Infrastructure. As a partner in the private sector, we will accomplish everything within our resources and assets available to Protect the American Democracy, and our Nation's critical infrastructures'.
By building A Resilient Home Security partnership with the department of Homeland Security (DHS) and The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). And as an ISAC partner, Information Sharing and Analytical Center, our goal and mission is to Increase Trust in a zero-trust environment and harmonize all engagements with the different levels of SLTT and other private-sectors.
Davis Company, LLC, Private-Sector. Site Commander. Crisis management, critical awareness & preventive measures. construction & mechanical applications, equipment operator, watershed wise, dams & retention wall management, fire & HazMat awareness, (ANSI) and (OSHA) studies; Active student with (FEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency, (TEEX) TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING, (NERRTC) National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center, (CDP) Center for Domestic Preparedness & (OBP) Office of Bomb Prevention, and United States Department Homeland Security (DHS) awareness campaign partner, (CISA) Cyber Security & Infrastructure Security Agency, (NCSA) National Cyber Security Alliance. 2006-present.
Mustang Equipment, a John Deere Company. Assembly mechanic, sales and teamwork; quality control and customer management relations; military contact; equipment operator, loader and demonstrator. 1993-2006
Investigative and Mediation and Paralegal Services. Administrative & Financial matters. 1986-present
Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center. Certified mediator, Certified family law mediator and (ADR) instructor. 1984-1992
Sawtelle, Goode, Davidson & Troilo Inc. Paralegal collection of evidence, and surveillance. 1987-1990
Tinsman & Houser Inc. Paralegal in civil practice and product liability. 1985-1987
Bexar County Child Support Office. Paralegal internship in the negotiations of arrears. Fall 1985
Ongoing Continuing Education Seminars - see Certifications for a sample.
2021/12 Crowd Strike Webinar: Helping Solve Challenges posed by the Log4j Vulnerability
2021/12 CISA Private Sector Engagement, Office of Intelligence & Analysis, U. S. DHS. Conference on Apache Log4j Vulnerabilities'
2021/12 (CS)2AI online. Symposium: Control System Cyber Security for Energy- Part 1 Oil & Gas Sector
2021/12 George Washington University. Certificate of Completion. Dividing By Zero: Advanced Concepts Enhance Zero Trust
2021/12 FEMA & CAI webinar: Keeping Water Where It Belongs. National Dam Safety Program in partnership.
2021/12 NIST Conference Planning Team: Cybersecurity Labeling for Consumer IoT & Software
2021/12 KnowBe4. Preparing for CMMC: How to Maage your Digital Supply Chain Risk.
2021/12 UTSA PTAC, hosts U. S. Army CID, Compliance & Fraud Awareness webinar
2021/12 Cyber Security Summit Houston/San Antonio 2021 Virtual Summit
2021/11 Cyber Collaboration Center DFARS 7012 webinar series. Special webinar on CMMC 2.0
2021/11 George Washington University. Certificate of Completion. Agency in Motion: DISA"s Hybrid workplace Maintains Military Readiness
2021/11 NCCoE National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence: Addressing Cybersecurity for the Energy Sector. A Powerful Collaboration
2021/11 (CS)2AI Online: Critical Infrastructure Protection-Challenges & Solutions.
2021/11 The Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security. 14th Annual Education Summit, Monterey, CA.
2021/10 TEXAS CYBER SUMMIT -2021. San Antonio, Texas
2021/10 Webinar on "Posting on SPRS and Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative. [email protected]
2021/10 UTSA SBDC, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. The Importance of Cybersecurity for Small Businesses.
2021/10 Fed Insider, George Washington University. How Intelligent Automation is helping the Healthcare Agencies.
2021/10 CISA Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency's 4th Annual National Cybersecurity Summit
2021/10 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Digital Forum on Prevention. Center for Prevention Programs & Partnerships
2021/10 George Washington University, Certificate of Completion. Defense Digital Transformation: A U.S.-U.K. Conversation
2021/10 NECP National Emergency Communications Plan: Addressing the Ransomware threat to Emergency Communications
2021/10 CISA webinar: Introduction to the Joint Cyber Defense Collaboration for Industry Partners
2021/10 IPSA Webinar "Cell Block FCS- Innovative Solutions handling, transportation & storage of lithium-ion batteries."
2021/09 IPSA Webinar "20 years pos-911: Crisis Mgt. lessons learned at Ground Zero."
2021/09 OSHA Education Center Association (OECA) Member
2021/09 CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE Cyber Secure My Business. Cyber-professionals vs. Cyber-criminals: Who is Winning?
2021/09 NIP GROUP 7 Ways to Secure Your Company Against a Cyber Attack
2021/09 Certificate of Completion Certified Test Preparation Course (24 Hrs.). San Antonio Arborist Association
2021/09 UTSA SBDC Center for Government Contracting. A three-day webinar on the DoD rolls out of the CMMC requirements and compliance.
2021/08 George Washington University: Certificate of Completion. Innovating with Data: Embracing Emerging Technologies
2021/08 Southeast Private-Public Partners Summit. FEMA & DHS. "Ten Years of Small Steps and Giant Leaps"
2021/08 Cybersecure My Business. Certificate of Attendance. Understanding CMMC: The Emerging Gold Standard for Security
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Why-third-party rick assessments matter for compliance & risk management
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Identity's Role in Zero Trust
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. How MSP"s Profitably Scale Their Business
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Beyond backup-a Commonsense Approach to Storage Consolidation
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Network Analyzer Phase Nosie Measurements with Dr. Joel Dunsmore
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. SIEM trends: What to look for in a security analytics platform.
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Find, Classify, Secure: Data Recon in AWS & Azure
2021/08 Bright TALK Certificate of Attendance. Best Practices for security monitoring and threat hunting with Elastic Security
2021/08 George Washington University. Certificate of Completion. transforming Financial Management Through IT
2021/08 George Washington University: Certificate of Completion Bringing Zero Trust Cybersecurity to the Forefront of Government
2021/08 CYBERCOLLABORATION CENTER: State of DoD Cybersecurity Regulations: DFARS/NIST/CMMC, webinar series # 17
2021/08 George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership. Government Cybersecurity: An Ounce of Prevention
2021/07 NSBA Leadership Council (TX-21). Grassroots advocates on behalf of America's entrepreneurs
2021/07 George Washington University Certificate of Completion. DevSecOps: Transforming the Workplace Culture
2021/07 George Washington University. Certificate of Completion. DevSecOps: Sharpens the tip of the Spear.
2021/07 to present Celerium online CMMC 2.0 Compliance and training.
2021/07 UTSA-PTAC 2021 Texas Rural Challenge. The Road to Resiliency.
2021/07 UTSA-PTAC Central Texas Cybersecurity Compliance Academy program
2021/06 FEMA & NFIP Certificate of Completion. Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance. Part 1 of 2
2021/06 CISA Zero-trust Maturity Model, Pre-decisional draft, version 1.0 downloaded copy
2021/06 CISA/FEMA Cyber Virtual Tabletop Exercise (VTTX)
2021/06 Envision: Through Accenture, Avanade, & Microsoft. Webinar
2021/06 Microsoft: Virtual Security & Compliance Summit.
2021/06 U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Workforce: A Call to Action. Webinar
2021/06 Safe online/Cyber Secure My Business: Defend Your Small Business from Big Threats. Webinar
2021/06 Homeland Security Today webinar: Domestic Terrorism in North America: How Police can get ahead.
2021/06 Homeland Security Today: Breaking the Ice & Breaking Glass Leading in Uncharted Waters. Webinar
2021/06 DHS Intelligence Enterprise... U//FOUO Cyber Threat Discussions, bi-weekly participation by private and public sectors phone conferences.
2021/06 Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Exercise Starter Kits (ESKs)
2021/06 THE WHITE HOUSE from Anne Neuberger, Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber & Emerging Technologies:
Subject: What we urge you to do Protect Against the Threat of Ransomware
2021/06 Fed Insider Webinar: DevSecOps: Driving Innovation While Ensuring Trust
2021/06 Fed Insider Webinar: Digital Training: Charting the Cyber Path Forward
2021/06 FEMA/NIMS Incident Complexity Guide Rollout
2021/06 Homeland Security Today-Wildfires the Paradis CA. Campfires & Mapping Drones Ops for Natural Disaster Response Network
2021/05 UTSA-PTAC Cyber Aware Small Business Wi-Fi Threats
2021/04 UTSA-PTAC Cyber Incident Response for Small Business Cyber Threat.
2021/04 UTSA-PTAC CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Levels I, II, & III
2021/02 NFIP/FEMA Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance. Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2 Certificate of Completions
2021/01 UTSA-PTAC CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Roundtable discussions.
2021/01 UTSA-PTAC Small Business Cybersecurity Training Academy Day 1 and Day 2
2021/01 NFIP/FEMA 2021 NFIP Adjuster Presentation. Certificate of Completion
2020 HMA's Residential Property Mitigation Webinar, FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion Government in the Era of Cloud. George Washington University webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion OSHA HAZWOPER 8.hr Refresher
2020 CMMC Level I & II Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, & Intro. to DCAA-Defense Contract Audit Agency. UTSA-SBDC
2020 Certificate of Completion Secure Software TEXAS A&M TEEX, NERRTC, FEMA & DHS
2020 Certificate of Completion Information Security for Everyone, TEXAS A&M TEEX, FEMA & DHS
2020 HAZUS Quarterly Call: Understanding Economic Risk from Coastal Floods in Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands
2020 HAZUS Quarterly Call: Future Risk in Colorado Webinar Risk Assessment of a Community
2020 Certificate of Completion, Fall Protection web through the Regional Hispanic Contractors Association, RHCA sponsored by: OSHA.
2020 USCCF United States- Chamber of Commerce webinar, "Hurricane Laura & California Wildfires Coordination Call"
2020 Cyber Security Summit Dallas, Virtual webinar. Compliance vs. Security, Business Risks, Being Resilient in todays' Threats.
2020 Certificate of Completion IS-00102.c Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations, FEMA Response Partners
2020 Certificate of Completion AWR-Information Security Basics, TEEX, NERRTC, DHS, & FEMA
2020 GTSC Homeland Security Today Webinar- The Incel Threat: Mindset Be hide the Mass Shootings
2020 National Cybersecurity Alliance: Psychology of passwords Combatting Cognition, Dissonance in Passing Credentials?
2020 Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition-Webinar-Emergency Planning & Disaster Response with UAVs
2020 Certificate of Completion Digital Resilience: Proactive Data Protection in Government. George Wash. Univ. webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion the Backbone of Digital transformation in the Dept. of Defense. George Wash. Univ. webinar
2020 Active Shooter Exercise Toolkit for Houses of Worship U.S.V.I, FEMA Region II webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion CMMC Small Business and Defense Contractor Cybersecurity Training Academy UTSA SBDC-CGC. CIAS
2020 Certificate of Completion Safeguarding Data on the Intelligent Edge. George Wash. Univ. webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion Multidiscipline ASHER preparedness, training and response webinar IPSA
2020 Certificate of Completion the Changing Role of Technology in the Intelligence Community Webinar, George Wash. Univ.
2020 NSBA-Families First Coronavirus Response Act Webinar FFCRA
2020 Certificate of Completion Demystifying Terrorism 101 webinar IPSAIPSA, International Public Safety Association
2020 Certificate of Completion Digital Transformation in the IC: Technology Innovation, George Wash. Univ. webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion Integrating UAS at Surface Transportation Agencies, State of Practice. US-DOT webinar
2020 Certificate of Completion Sea-Air-Space Virtual Edition U.S. Maritime Administration George Wash. Univ.
2020 Certificate of Completion Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance Part 1 & Part 2. FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion IS-01104 Claims Review for Adjuster. FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion IS-01109.a Understanding Basement Coverage. FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion IS_01107 Adjuster-Customer Service. FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion IS-01111 Introduction to Commercial Claims. FEMA & NFIP
2020 Certificate of Completion How Automated IT is Revolutionizing Government, George Wash. Univ. webinar.
2020 Certificate of Completion Inside the Department of the Navy CIO, George Wash. Univ. webinar
2020 Certificate of Training 11th Annual Bilingual Tree Care & Safety Workshop. ISA Texas, City of San Antonio
2020 Certificate of Completion Enhancing Leadership Skills webinar, IPSA, International Public Safety Association
2020 Certificate Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Employee Training, CDP & Office for Bombing Prevention
2020 Certificate of Completion Public Safety Drone Programs: A Multidiscipline Approach, IPSA
2020 FEMA-NFIP Reinsurance Program Transfer of Risk to Private Reinsurance Companies, Article
2020 FEMA Podcast- Published Water-Sector Qualifications
2020 NOAA Planet Stewards Webinar- "The Death & Life of The Great Lakes"
2020 IPSA International Public Safety Association. TRB Webinar- "Why Surface Transportation Agencies use Drones."
2020 LONE STAR 811 Excavator Pipeline Emergency Safety Response Workshop Training (TTX) Situation Manual Certificate
2020 Center for Domestic Preparedness & Office for Bombing Prevention, Materials Awareness Employee Training, Certificate
2020 IPSA International Public Safety Association. Webinar. Supporting Public Safety Through Science & Standards: NIST.
2020 911.GOV. News-NG 911, Self-Assessment Toll& Statewide NG911 Operations Center Case Study Webinar.
2020 FEMA Podcast-Released the Inaugural DRRA Implementation Report Disaster Recovery Reform Act 2018
2019 Certificate of Completion, IPSA International Public Safety Association. Public Safety Drone, A Multidiscipline Approach
2019 Beta.SAM.gov Website Training for those responsible for building the company's pipeline.
2019 Webinar E/L0950, NIMS ICS ALL-HAZARDS Incident Commander Course. FEMA
2019 Certificate of Completion OSHA 8.0 HOUR Refresher Course, HAZWOPER 29 CFR 1910.120 training course
2019 Certificate of Completion FEMA NFIP Mapping Changes webinar course
2019 Certificate of Completion. IPSA International Public Safety Association. Active Shooter Response for House of Worship
2019 Center for Domestic Preparedness, FEMA & DHS Hazardous Materials Awareness Refresher
2019 Webinar through the NSBA Resource Center. Exploits SWAPGS, Meltdown, Spectre and Foreshadow
2019 Webinar with Azure Security Expert Series Empower Your Security Operations with Azure Sentinel Microsoft
2019 Webinars, Terrorist Attack Cycle, Suspicious Behaviors, & Protective Measures Awareness OBP, CDP & DHS
2019 Webinar attendance and participation in the NFIP 2 Day course, key fundamentals FEMA & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion AWR-358 Hazardous Materials Awareness & WMD. FEMA & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion AWR-186-W Cyber Law and White-Collar Crime TEEX & FEMA
2019 Certificate of attendance Arkansas Corporate Security Symposium Training Hours: 6 DSAC & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion AWR-922 Environmental Health Emergency Response awareness FEMA
2019 Webinar (NRF) National Response Framework and (CISA) Stop. Think. Connect. Small Business
2019 Webinar workshops on the study of (IPAWS), Integrated Public Alert & Warning Systems
2019 Certificate of Completion Site Inspection Process, IS-01004, FEMA & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion. Cyber Security workshop training By Northrop Grumman DFARS clause & NIST SP 800-171
2019 Certificate of Completion Key Fundamentals of Flood Insurance Program Webinar Part 1 & 2 FEMA & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion 2019 NFIP Adjuster Claims Presentation, FEMA & DHS
2019 Certificate of Completion IS-0110.b Basic Tutorial, National Flood Insurance Program. NFIP &FEMA
2019 Certificate of Completion Introduction to Flood Claims, IS-01112 NFIP FEMA
2018-present UTSAUTSA-PTAC course and classroom studies, seminars, events and meet with vendors & contractors
2018 Certificate of Completion CERT-317 Citizens Emergency Response Team FEMA & DHS
2018 Certificate of Completion Single Resources & Initial Action Incident, ICS-200, FEMA & DHS
2018 Certificate of Completion OSHA HAZWOPER 40.0hr. Training Title 29 CFR 1926 & 1910
2018 Certificate of Completion Workplace Security Awareness, Active-Shooter Preparedness IS-00906, DHS
2018 Certificate of Completion Quality-One 8-Disciplines of Team Problem Solving Root Cause Analysis
2018 Certificate of Completion CDP-Center for Domestic Preparedness IT- security training 01, FEMA & DHS
2018 Certificate of Completion CDP & Office of Bomb Prevention AWR-903 Bomb Threat Prepare/Response
2018 Certificate of Completion CDP & Office of Bomb Prevention AWR-341 IED Awareness & Safety Proc
2018 Certificate of Completion CDP & Office of Bomb Prevention IED-Construction & Classification,
2018 Certificate of Completion Fundamentals of Risk Management IS-00454 FEMA & DHS studies.
2018 Certificate of Completion Diversity Awareness Course IS-00020-18, FEMA & DHS studies.
2018 Certificate of Completion National Infrastructure Protection Plan, NIPP IS-0860 FEMA & DHS studies.
2017 Qualified training Texas Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification by Texas A&M Forest Service & ISA
2017 Successfully completed a First Aid, CPR and AED course with the America Heart Association
2017 Study Guide to Cyber Security and Risk Management
2017 Certificate of Completion AWR-138 Network Assurance through FEMA & DHS by Tex. A&M
2017 Certificate of Completion National Incident Management System NIMS IS-00700 FEMA & DHS
2017 Certificate of Completion Introduction to Incident Command IS-00100b. FEMA & DHS studies.
2017 Certificate of Completion WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders Tex. A&M/DHS
2017 & 2019 Certificate of Completion Arborist Prep Course San Antonio Arborist Assoc. 28.0 hr. study
2016 & 2017 Certificate of Completion OSHA, 10hr and 30. hr. Const. & Industry Hazards Title 29 CFR 1926/1910
2016 Aerial Rescue Training course by the International Society of Arborist & Alamo Area Arborist
2015 ISA Leadership Workshop. By NexTier Advisors
2011 Diploma, Private Investigator with highest honors through the Stratford Career Institute
2008 - present. Tree Maint. License CEU credits City of San Antonio Dev. Center/ Texas A&M AgriLife Ext.
1992 Arbitration Training – NAFTANAFTA American Arbitration Association
1984-1992 Equivalent of B.S. Studies in Psychology Our Lady of the Lake Univ. School of Worden Social
1991 Studied International Mediation through the American Arbitration Association
1986 &1988 Certified Family Law Mediator & Instructor ADR at the Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center
1986 A.A.S Legal Assistant San Antonio College
1984 Certified Mediator at the Bexar County Mediation Center
1980 General Studies, graduated from MacArthur High School
2021 Naval Postgraduate School Center. The 14th Annual Homeland Defense and Security. Monterey, CA.
2021 Texas Cyber Summit San Antonio, Texas. Understanding Uncharted Territory
2021 San Antonio Arborist Association Training and Studies for the Preparation Certification Examination
2020 NOAA & FEMA WRN- Ambassadors. Resilient Nation Partnership Network. Virtual Forum
2020 Cyber Security Summit Houston: Cybercrime Support Network
2020 NIST Data Integrity: Recovering from Ransomware and other Destructive events. NIST SP 1800-11 & 800-53B
2020 Cyber Securing U.S. Healthcare: Preventive Measures & Maintaining Healthy Connections. stay safe online
2000 Agency in Motion: DISA by: Fed Insider & Government Matters webinar
2020 National Emergency Communications Plan Implementation Webinars. CISA & DHS
2020 Celerium CDN 110 Assisting in CMMC applications & Policy Implementation.
2020 NIST Virtual Workshop on PNT Profile Development. ITL & NIST
2020 CISA 3rd Annual National Cybersecurity Summit. DHS HSI, FBI, & MS-ISAC
2020 Venue Threats Protecting Crowds Targeted by Extremists. Homeland Security Today, Law Enforcement
2020 Bi-Weekly Unclassified Cyber Threat Discussions: Office of Intelligence & Analysis DHS
2020 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Effective Decision Making. IPSA webinar
2020 Naval Cybersecurity: Secure Data Sharing in High Threat Environments webinar
2020 DC Metro Cyber Security Summit: OSS Open-source software & Software supply chain: Sona type
2020 NCCoE: National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence: Supply Chain Traceability with Blockchain, NIST Standards
2020 DFARS Cybersecurity Webinar # 15: "DFARS Interim Rule: A Legal Perspective with Bob Metzger". NIST Standards & CMMC
2020 NSBA National Small Business Association, Economic Development Virtual Meeting, Wash. DC.
2020 United States Chamber of Commerce, Virtual Cyber Series, Chicago,
2020 United States Chamber of Commerce 9th Annual Building Resilience Through Private-Public Partnership Conference
2020 NATSEC 2020 Navy League of the U.S. Reshaping National Security.
2020 OSHA Education Center Association Member Recognition
2020 UTSA-PTAC & SBDC, Introductory Cyber security Course regarding DoD compliance CMMC
2020 American Red Cross 2nd Annual Disaster Preparedness Summit in the National Capital Region, Wash. DC.
2020 North Central Texas Council of Governments Recovery Tabletop Exercise. Situation Manual, Grand Prairie, TX.
2019 NSCC National Security Collaboration Center Day at UTSA SBDC, hosted by Texas Cyber Security Compliance Program. S. A. Tex.
2019 NSBA Annual Meeting & Tech Summit to discuss cyber issues facing small businesses, Wash. DC.
2019 Naval Postgraduate School Hosted the 12th Annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit, Monterrey, CA.
2019 RISC Regional Interagency Steering Committee Region VI FEMA Private Sector Round Table Discussion. Denton, Tex.
2019 The Arkansas Corporate Security Symposium DSAC, FBI, DHS & Private Industry, Bentonville, AR
2019 The Five Star Disaster Preparedness Symposium New Orleans, LA.
2019 RISC Regional Interagency Steering Committee Region VI FEMA Private Sector Liaison. Denton, Tex.
2019 FEMA Summit Region VI Invitation-Building Resilience through Public-Private Sector. Wash. DC.
2019 THE WHITE HOUSE attended a meeting regarding NSBA Legislative issues. Wash. DC.
2019 NSBA National Small Business Association Leadership Council Member. Wash. DC.
2019 FEMA Summit Region IV Creating a Culture of Preparedness Public-Private Sector. Orlando, FL.
2019 NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Acceptance as a WRN-Ambassador
2019 Texas HUB Historical Underdeveloped Business Certification
2019 SCTRCA certifications: ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, DBE
2018 U. S. Dept. of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communication Cyber Risks to NG 9-1-1
2018 U. S. Department Homeland Security “See Something-Say Something” Awareness Campaign Partner
2017 Coastal Conservation Association of Texas. Habitat and Marina Protection
2016 Save Our Sea Act 2017 with Sea World Research Institute and NOAA Marine Debris Program
2012 NTSB MAIB, review and analysis boating collisions and sinking's
2011 United States Power Squadron, member safe boating through education
2011 San Antonio Power and Sail Squadron, treasurer and member
1987-1991 Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities; leadership skills
1987-1991 National Conference of Christians and Jews; leadership skills
1984-1995 San Antonio Audubon Society, committee member, chairperson, historian
1991 Citizens Ambassadors Program - [Invitation to Russia]
1988 Travis Elementary School - [Letter of Appreciation]
1988 United States Army - [Certificate of Commendation]
1987 United States Dept. of Defense - [Security Clearance Position of Trust]
1987-1991 Bexar County Courts [Letters of Recommendation and Certificates of Merit]
1984 State of Texas, Bar Association [Letter of Appreciation]
United States Army, National Guard 1st Brigade, 49th Armored Division PFC (E-3) Infantry
Medical discharge, 1987-1988, Security clearance, “Position of Trust” DOD attachment No: 87201-DJ2-3365
1999- 2022 Kayaking, snorkeling, yachting 42’ Carver & boating 22’ Well Craft in Corpus Christi, TX.